College Adjunct Life

by | Jan 11, 2023 | Let’s Talk Marketing Podcast

The life of being a part-time college instructor struck again. One of my classes was canceled due to a lack of enrollment. It may not be life or death, but the struggle for the college adjunct life is real. I’m grateful this isn’t my full-time career.

I’m disappointed my class didn’t go, but I’m also elated. There will be months I don’t have to be somewhere at a specific time, answering emails at all times of day, hearing complaints that I’m not fair, and emails from skipping students asking for in-depth details about what they missed.

After a year of teaching, I’m learning being a college adjunct is much harder than I thought. While looking at ratemyprofessor comments, my impression was a, “Wow!” People unleash on you. I hope I wasn’t this harsh with my professors. We didn’t have Rate My Professor. We did hardcopy evaluations, which are still done today.

I’ve been evaluated three times. If you’ve never had the privilege of reading one of these, let me spare you from the agony (as I laugh out loud). It’s criticism from all different types. No mercy, lol.

To be honest, being an adjunct instructor isn’t easy. The pay isn’t great in the beginning. You have to put in a lot of work setting up your curriculum. Even with all the support I received and years of working in high schools, nothing could have prepared me for this experience. But I have no regrets!

Being a college adjunct has been awesome this past year. After my first week, I was on cloud 9. I love helping others. Despite the canceled classes and rude comments, it’s worth it. Every quarter I received an email from a student thanking me. They stop me in the halls and keep me late after class. It was great.

And then there was this one. They almost made me cry with this email. After that email, I was hooked.

I know the college adjunct life isn’t for everyone. Just like being an entrepreneur. It may not be for me either in 10 years, but I’m lovin’ it. Today, it’s where I belong. I’m humbly grateful to all who encouraged me to take this step. And yes, you know who you are!

To keep it real, nothing’s perfect. There are always going to be problems. Everything has ups and downs.

With every challenge comes a season of learning. I’m learning to be either part of the problem or part of the solution. As I choose the latter, it keeps this opportunity and life more enjoyable. That’s part of accomplishing your dream.

I write this because my business is personal because this service is for the advancement of all humanity. My failures and successes are for your gain. No strings attached.

Nathan A. Webster, MBA

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