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Réland Logan – Marketing Guru

Réland Logan – Marketing Guru

Réland Logan is an award-winning marketer, the founder of Gray Digital Marketing, and the host of the Diverse Marketing Podcast. Growing up multi-racial in a world where she could only check one box, Réland uses her marketing skills and lived...

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Kent Lewis

Kent Lewis

Kent Lewis is the President and Founder of Anvil Media, Inc. He’s also our resident guest for Let’s Talk Marketing podcast. Under Anvil, Kent and his team have accumulated the following awards and recognition since its inception in 2000: • Inc....

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Entrepreneurship is Hard

Entrepreneurship is Hard

So let’s keep it real right now, and I’ll start with this disclaimer. DISCLAIMER:  My goal in writing this article isn’t a rally for you to go into entrepreneurship. I’m writing to tell you the pitfalls and demanding lifestyle of being a glorified...

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ROI to ROAS (aka, Return on Ad Spend)

ROI to ROAS (aka, Return on Ad Spend)

In the business world, cash flow is king. The best way to have cash flow is to have a return on everything you do as a business. But in marketing, content is king. It’s not an either/or, it’s both. If you want to make money, you have to do...

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Technology Evolves or Dissolves Businesses

Technology Evolves or Dissolves Businesses

  It’s not a surprise to see a lousy business file for bankruptcy. Before 2020, the Blockbuster bankruptcy wasn’t that big of a stir because Netflix and RedBox were already disrupting the market. The problems were evident. Netflix had good...

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Why College is Failing America

Why College is Failing America

As we go back to school in this crazy year of 2020, this is not a typical year. When I did the podcast episode “College is Failing America” a few months ago, we were in a much different situation. I also wanted to write about this because countless...

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