Entrepreneurship is Hard

Entrepreneurship is Hard

So let’s keep it real right now, and I’ll start with this disclaimer.  DISCLAIMER:  My goal in writing this article isn’t a rally for you to go into entrepreneurship. I’m writing to tell you the pitfalls and demanding lifestyle of being a glorified...

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ROI to ROAS (aka, Return on Ad Spend)

ROI to ROAS (aka, Return on Ad Spend)

In the business world, cash flow is king. The best way to have cash flow is to have a return on everything you do as a business. But in marketing, content is king. It’s not an either/or, it’s both. If you want to make money, you have to do...

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Black Wall Street

Black Wall Street

I’m learning one of the greatest treasures of life is learning the infinite wisdom that applies directly to my life. All throughout my educational career, I never once heard of Black Wall Street. For those that didn’t hear about Tulsa and Black...

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The 4 Ps of Marketing

The 4 Ps of Marketing

One of the core principles of marketing is the 4 Ps. In the digital era of non-stop constant ads, we’re being bombarded with it. Every company has a strategy and if the budget allows, there is a mass amount of dollars being invested to get you to...

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