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Réland Logan – Marketing Guru

by | Jun 1, 2021 | Guests Podcast

She has been recognized as a Top 50 Marketer on the Rise from the African American Marketing Associationco-authored the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion National Pledge for the American Marketing Association, and currently represents her local chapter as the President-Elect. 

Réland has been a guest on the following podcasts Business Over Beers, The Other Side of SalesLet’s Talk Marketing with Nathan WebsterOur Stories with AMA PDX, and SalesFuel among others. She has also spoken at several conferences such as the “Let’s Connect Conference” and the “Start Your Solution Summit”. 

In her 10+ years of marketing, she has sharpened her skills in Brand Strategy + Development, Social Media Marketing, Sales + Sales Page Development, and Diversity Equity + Inclusion Marketing.

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